Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The biggest thing i learned out of this class would be looking at nature but to look at it very closely and see the different types of colors,shapes and similar things plants can have with each other. Some of the things i would say that did not go well in this class would be getting along with some of the people because i just don't like them or i don't know them very well. Some things i struggled in with this class would be my mood with some people and some times focus. My favorite tripe's were Leona Gorge and Diamond Canyon because the hike's were very challenging and many of the people in the class strugled alot. Another of my favorite things we did in this class would be doing that experiment with the milk and the food coloring. Over all this class was very fun and challenging for many people.
Day 1: Lake Meritt

This picture is simple and it also has like a mixture of complex if you really look at it for a long time. I'm sharing this picture because the leaves have some different patterns. The white and red flowers make the green background seem more interesting.

I choose this image because you can see the different random but simple shapes that different trees make in this picture. Also this picture makes you feel like you are in a paradise. This picture also has a very good distance of the whole little island and the water fall makes it look very nice.

I choose this picture because the sea makes a very simple pattern. this picture shows how even the simplest things like sea can make different patterns and shapes that even people can'teventell if it is simple or regular.

I choose this rose because if you see the patterns that it has in the rose and out in its surroundings there are different regular patterns. This rose also has some water on it and it makes it look very beautiful.
Day 10: Visit Cemintary
Day 9: G.G. Park
Day 8: Dimond Canyon & Optical Illusions

This picture is seaweed under water. I picked this picture because if you look very close you can see different things on the water, almost like an illusion. This picture is simple and complex because the different things you see in this picture makes it look complex and simple because its just a picture of water.

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 7: Patterns In Milk & Cellalar Automata

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 6: SF Ferry & Fountain
This image is one of my favorites because you can see the patterns that the bubbles make and when the water falls it looks very clear. this picture is simple and self-similar because all of the patterns look the same every time.
Day 5: Leona Gorge & Mandelbrot Set

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 4: Fort Funsion at the Beach
Day 3: Sierpinski; Triangle & Oakland Museum

This is the Sierpinski; Triangle. This shows patterns that shows self-similarity and it shows some simple because you can see little triangles inside the big one.
Day 2: Koach curve & Outside life

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